Hire the right students
The UK's largest student network
Hire the right students
targetjobs is powered by Group GTI, connecting the UK's leading graduate careers site with a network of university partners; allowing you to reach students and graduates who are the perfect fit for your business.
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Managed graduate recruitment services
If you would like us to create a tailored package for you, or chat about the full range of services we can offer, get in touch today.
Why targetjobs?
targetobs is the most used graduate recruitment site in the UK. Students and graduates trust us to deliver the most relevant advice and opportunities, which is why thousands of employers trust us to help them achieve their recruitment goals.
1.5 million +
Active users
1.6 million +
Visits per month
1,000 +
Job views per month
72,000 +
Applications per month
Trusted by leading employers
Reach students across universities in the UK
With one click you can post opportunities and extend the reach of your brand to our network of university careers platforms through targetconnect Link.

Engage with next gen talent
GTI offers a range of products and services to help employers and educators engage with students and recent graduates.